Cranky Henry Looks Like a Cat!

Henry Cat is an older feral who has been coming around for a while, but has always been 100% feral and scared of people. Here’s Henry back in 2016, near but not actually going in to a TNR trap. Henry named by Claudia2

In June of this year we got him in a TNR trap.  The ASPCA rates feral cats’ body condition on a scale of 1-10. On a scale of 1-10, Henry got a Very Old. No joke, that’s what they wrote on his form. Plus he had a little jaundice.

They asked me if i wanted to have him put down because he is FELV+. I said no, if he’s Very Old and has been living in the alley his whole life whoever was going to catch anything from him has already, just send him home and I’ll keep an eye on him. Henry decided that since we snipped his balls we owe him wet food on demand twice daily.

Here’s Henry right after he got TNR-ed



Now, a little more than two months later, Henry almost looks like a cat!


His top coat of fur has started growing back, so much that he even has markings! He looks a little scary here because of the flash, but you can see his fur.


When he wants wet food, he’s become the most demanding little Gremlin, crying and headbutting me and the can of food and making the biggest fuss he can think of until he can stuff his snout in a pile of mushy goodness.  He’s also become sort of a bully to Mama but I’m hoping we can fix his attitude issues.

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